Posco Data Sheets

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Posco C&C 30 Year Plastisol Overview


Posco 30 Year Warranty

Posco C&C’s advanced 200µm Plastisol coating offers exceptional durability, corrosion resistance, and UV stability, ensuring outstanding performance in challenging environments. Backed by a 30-year mill warranty, this product is ideal for projects requiring long-term reliability and advanced colour fastness.

The hot-dipped 55% Al-Zn alloy substrate enhances corrosion protection, with durability up to six times greater than galvanised alternatives. The Plastisol layer provides exceptional flexibility, weather resistance, and chemical protection, making it suitable for demanding applications.

Explore the Posco C&C 30 Year Plastisol Overview and Posco 30 Year Warranty data sheets to find the right solution for your needs.

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